Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series

Anne: The Animated Series is a half-hour animated television show produced by Sullivan Entertainment and created by writer/director/producer Kevin Sullivan. The series was developed for PBS and each episode contained an educational aspect. An issue or problem was woven into each show for one or more of the show’s characters to face and resolve. In conjunction with these problems, PBS “Ready-to-Learn” educational guides were created for teachers in America to use in the classrooms. The educational objectives of Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series support a child’s development of his/her identity, reinforced through lateral thinking and the use of a child’s magnitude to absorb daily challenges.

More recently, Sullivan Entertainment has re-written the “Ready-to-Learn” educational guides for the not-for-profit organization Free the Children. Free the Children will begin implementing these Anne Lesson Plans in the Kenyan Schools they have built and hope to take them to other countries they work in around the world.



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